Wednesday, May 13, 2015

install and run iptv program on android tv box

500+ IPTV programs hot selling, today let we learn how to install and activate the account

Firstly, please download the apk from the website

Copy the files to the USB.

Prepared one vigica tv box. Power on, please make sure the network is WIFI connection(Note: please make sure just only WIFI connection, the account will fix with WIFI address)

Insert the USB to the box, then enter my apps

Appinstaller, you will get a list for your USB files

Choose the IPTV_release_a4.24.apk, install

Sometimes, the android box will note intall blocked, please choose trust.then install the apps

After installed the apps, you will get the following menu

Choose the upper right corner logo

Here we can input the keys. Maybe about 10 digit keys combo(number and letters together, for example: 7a5555ba0d),then choose √

The right corner will show the license date, about 365 days

Then you can enter live to watching live tv

In this menu you can have three choose, 500K, 1M HD pack, choose the related one you can get the details channels list.

BeIN sports



  2. Where do I get the 10 digit key?

    1. please contact the supplier, they can sell the account for you , maybe skype: karen582



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